Call us Now! (205) 665-2566
Here at Montevallo First Baptist Church, we know that everyone has a story. The beauty of the gospel is that no matter what your life's story is, Jesus has come to redeem it and give it another ending. That's why we proclaim that we can not stop speaking about what we have seen and heard!
Children’s Worship for K through 3rd Grade
March- Audrey Crawford
April- Cindy & Abby Tidwell
March 16- Thelma Smith, Abby & Cindy Tidwell
March 23- JoAnn Alexander, Judy Cauthen, Patricia Gilmore
March 30- Linda Carter, Kelly Garrett, Mary Smith
DEACON of the Week: Steve Willingham
Next Week:
William Crawford
Ushers for March: Derrick Garrett, Doug Morris, Billy Tyler, John Wagner
Our monthly business meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 26 followed by a Prayer meeting and a Bible study
Check back later for New Announcements!
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
March 16 - Jessica Kivette, Brittany & Gilbert McDaniel
This is a ministry that our church provides for all of our church members. It enables you to enjoy and be inspired by some of the most gifted Bible Preachers/Teachers today. MFBC members can enroll at no charge in Right Now Media by doing the following: Register with our church account by logging in to (by copy and paste this link to your web search/address block) :
First Baptist Montevallo has a great children’s program! PreK-6th grade worshiping in their new BLAST Kids Clubhouse sanctuary. Sunday mornings have kid Bible classes at 9:30 followed by a special kid worship service at 10:30 with kid-fun worship music and dance moves, wiggle-friendly action games, a craft or art activity, and—most importantly—a Bible story followed with a lesson that explains to kids how they can live out the Bible’s teachings every day with their own friends and family.
BLAST Kids is the Wednesday night service for kids where they develop their faith as they learn how to Believe, Learn, Act, Serve, and Testify. It begins with time to build friendships through play with toys and games as kids arrive from 6:15-6:30. Then there is a disco-ball-energized kid worship time with music and dance motions, snack and Bible lesson time, and a game that takes an element from the Bible story and makes it fun and applicable.
Our kids would probably tell you that their favorite element is spinning the prize wheel at the end of each service to earn treasure box prizes for building awesome habits like memorizing Bible verses, bringing their Bibles to church, bringing friends to church with them, and participating in worship.
We would love to have the opportunity to meet, serve, and worship with your family!
Please call the church office to make your reservations (205) 665-2566.
Wednesday Night Supper for 3/12 - Spaghetti, Corn, and Dessert
Family: $10
Adults: $4
Children to age 12: $2
Youth (7-12 grade): Free!
College students: Free!
First-time visitors: Free!
We welcome you to visit with us at any service or event.
Our members wear casual clothing as well as suits and dresses, so please dress as you feel comfortable.
You may park behind the church and there is parking on Main Street. If you prefer to avoid steps there are level entrances at both the front and back that lead to an elevator. The steps in front lead directly to the sanctuary using the right hand set of doors.
Childcare is available on Sunday and Wednesday.
660 Main Street PO Box 46 Montevallo, Alabama 35115
Mon - Thurs: 8:30am - 3:30pm
Fri: 8:30am - 11:30am
All Rights Reserved | Montevallo First Baptist Church